
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happiest Little Boutique: Apricot Lane

Remember last year when I was all, “What the heck! There are good clothing stores at the airport?” (see here). I had a similar experience recently at Downtown Disney, yes, you heard right. Turns out that amid the drones of fanny-packed parents and hyper children you will find a little slice of fashion heaven that’s hidden away in a corner –Apricot Lane. I feel as if it was purposely placed there so only the most discerning fashionistas find it. Once inside you won’t find a trace of Mickey Mouse or Goofy ears. It’s decorated just like you’d expect of a neighborhood boutique and even has a slight resemblance to my college dorm (so you know I love it). The clothes are unique with both classic and trendy pieces. Most importantly, it is reasonably priced (unlike everything else at Disney). I spent a lot more time there then I planned and you’ll see why if you visit. Apricot Lane puts a new meaning to, “The Happiest Place on Earth.” Check out my latest post with a piece exclusively made for Apricot Lane (see here).

P.S. For those of you keeping track, I’d like to point out that this is one of my New Year’s Fashion Resolutions… just sayin’.


  1. Nice, it looks like a cute little store. I like the studded clutches! =)

  2. hey, i have a blog and i reside in Orlando! i was just in there.

    I love seeing fellow orlando blogger! !

    1. I love hearing about Orlando bloggers! Fun!! Thanks for visiting :-)
