
Friday, January 31, 2014

A Floral Winter

Holy-freakin’-blizzard, it’s cold and rainy outside! I live in Florida and I’m freezin’ my butt off, which means you are likely really, really cold too. You can probably imagine that as a Florida girl I don’t have a variety of winter outfits so I have to get pretty darn creative when the temperatures start dropping. This means that everything in my closet is fair game. There are no such things as seasonal clothes or fashion rules. What’s that you say? A spring floral vest for winter?! Gasp! No, it’s true. Now it’s my winter floral vest and it works great. Throw on a scarf and some sexy heels and bam. Spring turns winter.

Here’s to hoping that I don’t have to figure out how to make my bikini a winter item…

How are you staying toasty this winter?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Glorified Ego

Are you diggin’ my funky shirt? Guess what –it’s from a Florida designer! I love finding great stuff from my local peeps. This Orlando-based designer is known as Glorified Ego. In a recent interview the CEO Chris Malcom said that “the whole idea behind the brand is essentially self-reflection,” with that in mind and with such a clever name they had me thinking about my own ego’s presence.

According to Freud, the ego is part of our internal mindset that rules our thoughts and helps control our inappropriate desires, urges, and even aggression. I began to think about all the questionable things I’ve done and then realized that my ego has probably fallen asleep behind the wheel too many times. From the top of my head I can recall a few instances like talking back to my mom, skipping school, locking the substitute teacher out of the class, convincing my classmates to deface school property while I watched, and making large purchases while really broke. Where was my ferocious star-eyed bear ego at these points in my life?? Maybe my ego is more of a manatee rather than a Glorified Ego bear or maybe my ego bear goes into hibernation a lot. Well, I suppose I should be grateful for the times that it decided to actually show up. Who knows what would happen if I were left to my own devices…entire cities would be destroyed…

Monday, January 6, 2014

Five Fashion Resolutions of a Fashionista: Re-Visited

Happy 2014, y’all!! It’s that time again to start fresh. Brush off the dust, forget about what happened last year, and start a new page in life. But wait one second, before we start making a list of new fabulous resolutions, it’s only right to pull out those old 2013 resolutions and evaluate how we did. Here is my attempt to do just that. Time to critique…I’m already scared.

See here for the 2013 resolutions posts that I’m referring to.