
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Neon Caribbean Colors

You might recall how some colors trigger memories of my childhood in Puerto Rico (see here). Well, this time it wasn’t just a memory. I finally went back to my little island and relived it all again. Of course, I wasted no time to bust out the neon bright colors. I wore this lively ensemble to an impromptu boat ride around the southwest coast of the island. Not exactly a boat tour type of outfit (one needs a bikini when coasting along a Caribbean paradise). But it turned out perfectly because all around me the vivid colors of my outfit were reflected in the scenery.

The boat tour gave a coastal view of La Parguera. It’s a beautiful little fishing village in the town of Lajas. These picturesque houses sit floating along the bay like if nobody told the owners that it’s quite strange to have a floating house completely running and stocked like a regular home. But then again, I’m the one living in a land locked city and they are on the coast of a tropical island paradise. Obviously one of us is doing something wrong. I fear that might be me.

What I’m Rockin’:
Shirt – Old Navy
Shorts – Indigo Rein via Marshalls
Necklace – Sofia Vergara via Kmart
Bracelet – Forever21
Purse – Target (on sale for $4!!)


  1. Great neon outfit! PR is such a beautiful island!

    1. Thank you! It really is but I might be a little biased ;-)

  2. Cute summery look!

    Lajas is really pretty,



  3. Oh yes! Definitely there are colours that remind me of my childhood, especially pink. My mom made so many pink dresses for me!

  4. Lovely summer look!

  5. Your pictures are all so great!
    Love that necklace.
