
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Neon Caribbean Colors

You might recall how some colors trigger memories of my childhood in Puerto Rico (see here). Well, this time it wasn’t just a memory. I finally went back to my little island and relived it all again. Of course, I wasted no time to bust out the neon bright colors. I wore this lively ensemble to an impromptu boat ride around the southwest coast of the island. Not exactly a boat tour type of outfit (one needs a bikini when coasting along a Caribbean paradise). But it turned out perfectly because all around me the vivid colors of my outfit were reflected in the scenery.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Farewell to the Big City and Bright Lights

All good things must come to an end.

This was the case for my wonderful experience in Chicago. As a thank you to the city, I wanted to say farewell in the most fabulous way I know how: by dressing up, of course! Now, what do I wear to both say good-bye and celebrate a dear friend? I wear bright, fun prints and interesting statement jewelry. That meant this dress was perfectly suited as a farewell party outfit. Although farewells could potentially be solemn, the vivid colors liven up the event and bring some sparkle to the night. The playful patterns look like they are dancing all over the dress reflecting my own celebration that evening. I added hot pink pumps to bring an extra kick to my step. Then, I topped it off with a dramatic gold shoulder necklace because you can never go wrong with draping yourself in jewelry. And voila, instant party in a dress!